70+ USES FOR WOOD ASH- Practical Self Reliance
"If you’re heating with wood, there’s always plenty of wood ash to go around. While you may be hard-pressed to think of uses for wood ash in a modern home, historically it was used in many different creative ways. Wood ash was a precious asset, used for food preservation, gardening, pottery, pest control, and even cosmetics."Read now -
Learning Through Nature With Birds
Read nowBirds have been such a fun topic at our house lately. They have been a major part of our nature study both this week and last, and have been a source of so many fun discussions and adventures. Here is...
Let’s Go For a Nature Hike
Read nowReady for a hike? What should we take with us? Comfortable shoes and loose-fitting clothes suitable for the weather. Field guides to help us identify any new species of plants and animals. A small notebook and pencil for sketching things...
A Month-By-Month Bird Calendar
Read nowTimes will vary from one part of the country to another, depending on latitude, weather patterns, and other factors. January — Build or order bluebird houses. Feed ducks or geese that winter locally. Great horned owls on nests. February — Set up...