The Young Violin Soloist
These are collections of 8 sacred solos for the young string player. Graded as level 1-1.5. These are not for beginning players, but the musical concepts are elementary. (The pieces would be great for practicing tone production, vibrato, and higher position playing for more advanced players.) Violins are written in first position. Rhythms include eighths, quarter, dotted quarter, half, dotted half, and whole notes. Meters are limited to 2-4, 3-4, 4-4, 6-8, 3-8, and cut time. Keys are limited to C, G, D, A, and F. A full range of dynamics are used. Adequate bowings are included to guide the young player, and well-placed extended rests are thoughtfully included in the solo line for endurance considerations. The pieces are for solo playing for the individual instrument listed. However, all the collections contain the same hymns. Hymns include: Praise Him All Ye Little Children, Abide With Me, Dare to Be A Daniel, My Jesus I Love Thee, Away in a Manger, We Gather Together, Hallelujah! What a Saviour, and Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus. The piano accompaniments add interest to the arrangements and are written at levels 2 and 3. The Rhythmic structures establish meter and entrance for the soloist. David Smith Publications.