Milty Mappleseed Geography Book
Milty Mappleseed
and his Painless Learning Pals.
Your child will enjoy this learning adventure; the various geographic activities will guarantee hours and hours of learning fun. With the advent of jet travel, the world has become a much smaller place and geography is a subject that should not be overlooked. Your child will meet many people from many different countries in the upcoming years and a thorough knowledge of geography will be helpful.
This spiral-bound book contains 18 sturdy laminated pages of maps and geography exercises. Use fine point dry erase markers or grease pencils to fill in the puzzles and exercises. Wipe them clean to use over and over.
Each continent or region comes with the following activities:
Fill in the blanks in the names of states and countries
Answer questions from the map
Unscramble the letters
Find the states or countries
The challenging and thought-provoking exercises on the pages that face each map: the write-on/wipe-off surfaces can be used over and over again by children or by adults. They are a great way to keep kids intellectually stimulated at mealtime, at school, when traveling, and just about anywhere.
For the answer key, please go to: and you will find a link to the answers at the bottom of the homepage.