Lab Kit for Apologia's Exploring Creation w/Math 5
This kit is designed to accompany Apologia's Exploring Creation with Math Level 5 . You can purchase the curriculum books here.
In Exploring Creation with Mathematics, Level 5, students will learn about whole numbers, fractions, decimals, geometry and measurement, percents, and graphing. This hands-on, interactive math curriculum is filled with activities, practice problems, projects, and games that will help students comprehend lessons. Students will also see the connections between math, science, business, art, our world, and our universe. Most importantly, students will begin to see how the study of math points to our Creator.
To be able to fully use this course, some common household and math manipulative items will be needed, and that is where we come in! We designed this kit to make the curriculum open and go. Everything is individually boxed and bagged so the parents and teachers have zero prep-work involved!
Having homeschooled 7 children ourselves, we know how valuable time is, and we hope these kits are a blessing to your family as you enjoy growing and learning together!