Discovering Design with Physics Lab Kit
Thank you for choosing our supplies kit to enhance your study through the Discovering Design with Physics text. So that you might find the kit easy to manipulate, there are a few things that you will need to know. First, you will find a chart of all items within the kit listed alphabetically. It lists the quantity of each item, where it is found in the kit, and in which lesson the item is used. It is to be used for easy location of any item regardless of which lesson you are studying. You will also find our office item numbers in case you need to phone for replacements of any items. Second, you will also see a chapter-by-chapter break down of what you need for each individual chapter, where it is found in the kit, and the items you will need to provide. Every effort has been made to provide all reasonable items within the kit so that your study is not hampered by an absence of supplies, however, some things are unreasonable for us to provide. This will be obvious as you proceed. Third, the best way to locate necessary items as you progress through the course is to always return supplies to their original bag when the experiments are completed. Several items will be used multiple times throughout the course and the Bag # will be continually referenced.
About our lab kits:
Each kit is carefully designed to assist parents in teaching science. Having homeschooled 7 children ourselves, we know how much time and effort is put into teaching your children. We created our science kits to provide families a science curriculum option that was both in-depth and open-and-go. With our kits, each text-book lesson will have a corresponding lesson bag. You will also receive detailed instructions and paperwork for what is included in your science kit, and the items that you will provide. We hope our lab kits help you make SCIENCE COME ALIVE for your children!
Please check your order for any shortages or damaged items upon receipt. Please observe all safety precautions when doing experiments.
Click HERE for items included in kit.
Other Resources
See the Product Resources for sample lessons, table of contents, and more: