EC Adv. Biology: Human Body, 2nd Ed, Notebook
Give your high school students a fun and helpful way to build study skills while reinforcing their lessons from Apologia's Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology in Creation, 2nd Ed. textbook (sold separately). The simple layout integrates graphics, charts, and modern fonts that provide a clean, fresh workspace, while the textbook chapter sections or module numbers referenced by each page or question will keep everyone on track.
This accompanying student notebook journal includes 16 modules that correspond to the 16 modules in the text. This interactive resource includes graphic organizers; "On Your Own" questions (with room to answer them); study guide questions; quarterly reviews; diagrams to label, and lots of lined (Cornell-system) note-taking pages specifically designed for students to create their own convenient notebook to study and prepare for tests. Lab report forms for each experiment in the textbook's module are also provided. The back of the book includes an appendix with Latin and Greek word parts, quarterly review answers, and three optional case studies to investigate.
A complete daily schedule breaks down the text, notebook pages, tests, reviews, and experiments into weekly and daily blocks; following the schedule will enable students to finish the course in 34 weeks. 450 pages, softcover, spiralbound.