Practical Accounting
Accounting is an important skill to have no matter what the final career choice may be. Practical Accounting Fundamentals continues the tradition of self-paced, self-teaching, career based education materials. Practical Accounting Fundamentals uses the same hands-on, self-study methods used in all of the Practical series of books. Each chapter explains a concept and gives examples with exercises to practice the concept. There are also tests, complete with answer keys. There is no other instruction required to use this book. The basic intent is to introduce students to the basic principles of accounting and to introduce the student to the possibilities of career options. Accounting is just one tool that is used in many different business and technical fields. Practical Accounting Fundamentals is a book that can help direct, change, or set a career path for your student. Understanding accounting is as important in personal life as it is for business. Accounting is the basis of financial communication. It is important to know the difference between a balance sheet and an income statement. Written by Lori Peterman.